What shall we discuss this time? As noted in previous ponderings there is so much going on right now. How about if we try and highlight some good things.
Can you believe it’s September 2020 already? What happened to January, February, March…..? How time flies when you’re having fun!
I am by no means trying to imply things are fun, however, I think there is a lot of good things happening alongside everything else. The ole’ silver lining of the pandemic if you will. I encourage you to at least look for some of it. The marvel at the creativity of some people trying save their businesses and their employees jobs. Or, the different ways other people try to stay within the health boundaries yet get stuff done. One of the biggest things I have observed and pray some of it continues post pandemic is that some people are getting1 to slow down. On one hand many people are involuntarily getting to slow down and yet needing to things differently which generally requires more effort. Families getting closer together, eating diners together.
In regards to people getting1 to do this or that I wish to share an important lesson I learned years ago. It is a matter of perspective. A matter of ‘E’ verses ‘O’.
Most people say something like ‘I got to do this or that’. I like to switch the middle letter and say ‘I get to do this of that.’ one letter has made a huge difference in how I see things and moves me into an attitude of gratitude. Things become a privilege and not and obligation. ‘I get to do the dishes’ becomes an honor not a chore as it was when in the past I would say ‘I have got to do the dishes.’
Enough of that, now a little of this. I miss the hats. The horse race is but a few minutes but all the pomp and circumstance for the 146th Kentucky derby was gone. No hats, no mint julips and no fans. Same with the Indianapolis 500 and all the sports. The NBA, MLB and National Hockey league have all got creative in trying to get their respective sports moving again. But it is not the same. The 21 stage Tour de France might be the closet to an event as usual as any of them since they ride 2164 miles not count the elevation changes. Anyway at least the athletes can participate and we can watch on TV. But all this is not as bad as watching church on TV. Church is a participation activity and we need to participate in person. Anyway I indicated at the beginning I was challenged on what to discuss in this edition. No matter what flavor your sport is and how they are dealing with the pandemic know that our God in in the midst of it all. Jesus never said I got to leave heaven and I got to live amongst my creation and I must die for them.
Jesus said I get to leave heaven and I get to live amongst my creation and I get die for them. He said I get to do all of this so they can get to heaven and there is nothing they have got to do to get it.
Come by either our physical site (5080 Kingsley, Montclair, Ca,) Sundays @ 9am outdoors until further notice or visit us at www.tlcmontclair.org any time and get filled up on God’s hope! You can also ask for pray or if you are able help us continue spreading the good news, the hope that Jesus Christ gives to all.