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Writer's picturePastor Lance

#16 Super Sunday

Well it was certainly a different Super Bowl Sunday.

First to my small, loyal and slowly increasing followers. Let me justify the increasing gap between blog posts. Well a little of this and a little of that and the next thing you know my intended goal of once a week is now 3 weeks, then 4 etc…. actually I just don’t have as much to say as I thought I would. Wear clean underwear, brush your teeth and don’t play in the street. Things my mother always told me to do (or not do) seems to be the extent of my wisdom.

But wait, there’s more, order today and we will double your order. Just pay a small processing fee. Oh, no there was something else. Depending on when you started counting (if you are counting, I wasn’t till now) we are at day 325 of the pandemic. No that wasn’t it, but you should still wear a mask and stay socially distant but spiritually close. I’m tired of talking about corona. Besides I quit drinking over 21 years ago, yeah God.

You probably don’t want to hear about that miracle again. But please pray for all those struggling with substance abuse as face to face meeting are closed due to the pandemic and it is making hard on us to get and stay clean and sober.

What could that be? Oh I know it is almost 20 days into the new administration in Washington. No that wasn’t it, I am really tired of politics as well and besides it is too early to tell what’s going on. The first lady gave a nice thank you to the front line covid workers. I thank God for them as well. They have worked tirelessly and selflessly for 325 days.

What else has been in the news? Nope, I am definitely extremely tired of the media. (see previous blog)

Well it was certainly a different Super Bowl Sunday. No party, home alone, the game did not live up to the hype and the commercials weren’t that good either. Also I never even heard of the halftime performer. Oh no does that mean I am official old? I can’t seem to remember what I was going to write about. Oh did I mention I am sorry I am not posting more often?

I know what to do: an alphabet gratitude list. I am so grateful for All of you, Beautiful Caring people. Donuts are good, Elephants are amazing creatures. Faith in God is a must and Hope in Him is good as well. I am thankful for all the Ireys whom Jesus loves. Knowledge of our Lord is a wonderful thing. Meatballs and Noodles are tasty as are Oreos and Pizza. Quizzes in my counseling classes are Rewarding. Salvation thru Christ could be the thing I am most grateful for. Trains are really cool! I appreciate how Umbrellas divert the rain. The Violin my daughter makes beautiful music with is beautiful as well. My Wife is definitely the most amazing earthly gift God has blessed me with. Xrays to assist in maintaining my health generate gratitude. Yellow adds color and Zippers make life easier.

Go ahead and try your own alphabet gratitude list. It will be a blessing as well as opening your eyes a bit. Pray to see somethings in your life you may take for granted write your list and pray again a prayer of thanksgiving. Be grateful in all things.

See ya next time, in a week or two or when I have something to share and encourage you with.

God’s richest blessings as He uses you to His glory.

Pray for America, she is in trouble, such trouble that only God can get us out of it.

May God of hope fill you with his peace and joy,

so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.


Join us at Trinity Lutheran, your Hope filling Station.

@ 5080 Kingsley St., Montclair CA. OR

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